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Ligation of esophageal varices

Endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices is a technique developed for the treatment of bleeding varices of the esophagus, which has been effective with a lower incidence of complications.

Patients receive premedication and routine endoscopy care. The protective tube is placed to the endoscope with a good amount of lubricant, to perform the diagnostic endoscopy first. If the ligature is indicated, the protective tube slides over the endoscope into the esophagus until the nozzle is placed between the teeth, the protective tube remaining in the esophagus, which will facilitate the entrance of the endoscope several times to connect the largest number of varicose veins. After the ligation is performed, the endoscope is removed to place a new cylinder with its elastic band and continue with the procedure.

Lately we have made accessories for continuous ligation that allow us to place 3, 5 and up to 6 elastic bands entering only once to the esophagus.

Copyright 2016. Centro Endoscopia Intervencionista